Pumpkin Spice Paleo Pancakes

Like most women my age, the arrival of Gilmore Girls: a Year in the Life was much anticipated. I woke up that morning craving a Luke’s Diner style breakfast, and I asked myself, “What would a Gilmore do?” The answer was simple: pancakes.  So I got to work to make Pumpkin Spice Paleo Pancakes and they…

National Pumpkin Day Smoothie and Arm Workout

Happy Monday  National Pumpkin Day!! Guys, in case you don’t know me: I love pumpkin. I use it in chili, pancake recipes, smoothies, baking, basically, it’s my go to in the fall. So what better way to celebrate than to give you guys an arm workout AND a smoothie recipe to recover with!?!? Believe it…