Workout Wednesday: My Gym Routine

Happy Workout Wednesday!! How’s everyone doing this week? Still full from Thanksgiving? I hope not! Remember your goals when you’re sitting down to the table this season. Decide for yourself what’s going to make you feel your best, and what foods are tempting, but not worth it. For me, most pies aren’t “worth it” to…

Pumpkin Spice Paleo Pancakes

Like most women my age, the arrival of Gilmore Girls: a Year in the Life was much anticipated. I woke up that morning craving a Luke’s Diner style breakfast, and I asked myself, “What would a Gilmore do?” The answer was simple: pancakes.  So I got to work to make Pumpkin Spice Paleo Pancakes and they…

Workout Wednesday: Row Your Body Right

Happy Workout Wednesday! If you’re getting excited for the holidays like I am, you’re probably beginning to prep your turkey, getting ready for loved ones, or maybe you’re already traveling! I know I function at my best when I stick to a routine, and that means getting my workout in. Here is one of my…

Recipe: Roasted Veggies 3 Ways

If you’re like me, one of the joys of the seasons changing is switching up in the kitchen! I love roasted veggies when it’s cold so that I’m still getting vegetables in my diet while staying warm. Because winter is cold… Most days… #GlobalWarming On Saturday, Max and I had a nice steak dinner and I…

Dusting Off the Blog

It has been a whirlwind of a year! A while back, I mentioned that I work in a studio. Now I’ve left Lululemon, and I am working as a Personal Trainer #Goals. I’ve been crazy busy with that, and now I’m back to writing with a more experienced voice and opinion. As you can see,…