Product Review: RX Bars

Hi everyone! So I thought I’d add a monthly post where I review products that I love. This month is all about the RXBars.

Why I love them: they’re no BS. Literally the ingredients are listed right on the package, and they’re all easy to recognize. Part of the reason why I love the Paleo diet so much is because I know exactly what I’m eating. I’m not eating a chemical shit storm that’s going to make me feel bloated, break out, or feel super cranky. I’m eating simple ingredients that fuel my body. The ingredients are egg whites, dates, almonds, and cashews. That’s it. Plus the flavoring, but they’re still all natural foods.

They’re also Non-GMO, contain no dairy, gluten, or added sugar. #Winning

**If you’re strict Paleo, the peanut butter flavor is not Paleo. Because of legumes.

Let’s talk flavor and texture. My favorite flavors by far (in no particular order) are:

  1. Pumpkin Spice (This is my favorite flavor. I bought a lot at Trader Joe’s when they were around, and I’m still saving one for a rainy day. Which might be today since my car was totaled. RIP Gatsby. Anyway, it has good pumpkin spice flavoring without being too sweet or artificial. I get a lot of the cinnamon and nutmeg in these bars, which really makes it feel like fall. It is a seasonal flavor, but can be purchased on Amazon.)
  2. Maple Sea Salt (just… Amazing. It tastes like Sunday morning pancakes in your mouth. There are little grains of coarse salt on top of the bar for added texture and a burst of sea salt. I love that they added pecans to this bar because it really compliments the maple extract.)
  3. Mint Chocolate (deck the halls with boughs of RX Bars. Fa la la la la, refrigerate before trying. Seriously, my friend tipped me off to try it cold from the fridge and it was money. The balance between mint and chocolate in this bar is perfect because it doesn’t lean too heavily on the mint or the chocolate.)
  4. Blueberry  (it’s so flavorful and reminds me of a better blueberry pie. I will warn you: this one is quite fragrant, so if you open it around other people, be prepared to defend your bar.)
  5. Coconut Chocolate (I like this one as more of a treat, or when I just want a little chocolate in my life. This bar contains a few chocolate chips for fun little bursts of flavor as you chew. The coconut isn’t overpowering and blends really well with the chocolate.)

Texture: The texture is a hit or miss for people. The bars are chewy but include an occasional crunch from nuts. I personally like the chewy texture because it allows me to savor the bar. I love nuts in general, and don’t find them to be too intrusive in the bar. The nuts are roughly chopped, so you probably won’t find an entire cashew hiding in your bar.

When I use them: As a trainer, sometimes I don’t eat dinner until 9, or I got for long stretches of time without food. RX Bars are so easy to transport, and they provide good energy for me when I need something to hold me over until the next meal. They have a good balance of fats, carbs, and protein which helps stabilize blood sugar so that I don’t feel like I’m crashing or getting hangry. Hangry trainers are not cute. FYI.

I also love them post workout! I’ll eat an RX Bar after a tough workout to refuel my body. I choose these because they contain a good balance of carbohydrates and protein to help my body begin the recovery process.  I’ll make a separate post about workout recovery next week.

Where do I get this deliciousness?!

You can order RX Bars from their website 


I really like ordering form Amazon as well because you can set up recurring orders, so that you’re never out of your favorite flavor!

Trader Joe’s and Wholefoods nationwide (Pittsburgh Yinzers, we get them at all of their locations. I buy mine at Trader Joe’s because they’re a little less expensive there.)

You may also find them in local CrossFit gyms.

Is this kind of post helpful? What products do you want me to review next? Let me know in the comments below, or send me an email:

Sarah @PghPaleo

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