Workout Wednesday: My Gym Routine

Happy Workout Wednesday!! How’s everyone doing this week? Still full from Thanksgiving? I hope not! Remember your goals when you’re sitting down to the table this season. Decide for yourself what’s going to make you feel your best, and what foods are tempting, but not worth it.

For me, most pies aren’t “worth it” to me. I do my best not to offend the host (my mom, Max’s mom or dad-you catch my drift). Most of my loved ones understand where I’m coming from, and that I’m not being rude, certain foods just don’t sit well with me. Dairy and gluten are my two big aggravators. Since most cookies, desserts, and treats contain those, it’s up to me to decide if its worth feeling like crap, breaking out, and being cranky over. If I decide that a Bailey’s cheesecake is worth it to me: I’ll have a few bites! I may even have the whole piece if I feel like its worth it to me.

The same rules apply for alcohol: if it’s worth-it to me, I’ll savor a glass or two. If not, I’ll just drink my LaCroix and I switch my focus from: omg-I’m-missing-out, to “I haven’t seen this person is a long time, let’s find out three things that are going on with them.” Boom. Problem solved.

Just remember to take a deep breath, indulge mindfully, stand up for your goals, and stick to your workouts.

Without further adieu, here is one of my workouts this week that made me feel like a total Badass. Let me know how you did, and if there’s any specific workouts you’d want to see for the holidays.

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Badass Gym Routine

12 pallof press (each side)
250 M sprint || 1 minute rest x3
15 double KB swings
10 burpees with push up
20 lunges with KBs in rack position (pictured below, click here for how to rack a kettlebell
30 rope slams
5 x :30 || :30 (sprints || rest)
5-10 minute cool down

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