Workout Wednesday: Burpee/Kettlebell Routine

Happy Hump day!! I hope that your week has been going well and that you’ve made the most of your first week in 2017. My first week of Whole30 is all about keeping it simple. Simple workouts, simple foods, and simple, yet highly effective, workouts for my clients. There’s been a lot of booty work…

Workout Wednesday: My Gym Routine

Happy Wednesday! How’s your week going? I’ve been crazy busy with clients, holiday things, and my parents were just here! I got a new car last weekend and bought car insurance.  You could say that I’m doing a lot of adult things at the moment. I took a few rest days because I knew I…

Travel Tabata

The holiday season is already getting CRAZY!!! You guys: I already have no free weekends from now until New Years… Isn’t that crazy?! I guess I’ll be doing my Christmas gifts in between clients. This year is financially tough for me since my car was totaled, and we’re titling the car in my name this…

Workout Wednesday: My Gym Routine

Happy Workout Wednesday!! How’s everyone doing this week? Still full from Thanksgiving? I hope not! Remember your goals when you’re sitting down to the table this season. Decide for yourself what’s going to make you feel your best, and what foods are tempting, but not worth it. For me, most pies aren’t “worth it” to…

Workout Wednesday: Row Your Body Right

Happy Workout Wednesday! If you’re getting excited for the holidays like I am, you’re probably beginning to prep your turkey, getting ready for loved ones, or maybe you’re already traveling! I know I function at my best when I stick to a routine, and that means getting my workout in. Here is one of my…

Motivation Monday: No Equipment Total Body Toner!

Happy Monday! Today I’m bringing you a total body toner that you can do anywhere. With the holidays coming up, a lot of you are going to be traveling, and no one wants to lug fitness equipment around everywhere. This workout works all of your major muscle groups in a short amount of time so…